Over 1.0% of the average house building cost is in the Building Surveyors Fee’s. Building Surveyors check Plans for Builders, Drafting Companies, Architects and Owner Builders for approval of Building permits. The Building Surveyor will also check structural components and specific stages of the building during construction to make sure that the building is built in accordance with the approved drawings, codes and legislation. The owner must decide which company will be right for the project proposed as each company will provide different attributes which may affect the building process. The Building Surveyor can also issue Bushfire assessments, Building defect notices, Stop work orders and can provide information. For all your Building Surveying enquiries contact the following national and regional suppliers. 

Criteria when searching for a Building Surveying Firm

  • Experience of Company in works proposed
  • Affiliation with consultants required
  • Inspection Services
  • Ability to complete permits in time frame required
  • Reputation
  • Price

Organized Builders recommends the following suppliers for product, service and price


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